The word keep the flag flying looks vague and ambiguous on the surface. It simply means maintaining a standard, a conspicuous standard.That is, to keep soaring or improving daily on whatever you do, wither mentally, psychologically or otherwise.It means maintaining and soaring higher in your pursuit or success endeavor. Before one can be told to keep his/her flag flying he/she must at first be paragon and embodiment of good behavior, character and one who aspires to soar higher. For a student, an organization e.g a school to maintain its standard, there are some parameters they must meet up to.
Today, my discussion will center on;
1. How can an individual/student keep his/her flag flying? And
2. How can a school keep her flag flying
before an individual can be said or told to keep his/her flag flying, they must at first be maintaining a good and remarkable standard that affects him/her and others negatively and thus, has become a nuisance both to himself and the society at large. To maintain or to continually soar in your academic/success pursuit, it requires some sacrifices which one tags the nuggets for keeping the flag flying. Some of these nuggets include;
*DISCIPLINE:- this is a pounce and significant yardstick for a student in maintaining and soaring higher in his success endeavors. Discipline does not only entails being obedient and adherent to rules and instruction, it also entails being hardworking and diligent. An individual noted for his/her goodly standard can keep soaring if and only if they are diligent.
*DETERMINATION:- when one say determination, one means being dogmatic, when one is determine in whatever he/she is doing, i.e. your refusal to let anything sway you down, the sky will appear to be your starting point. A student who is determine is one who refuses to succumb to any bad influences either from peer pressure, despises moral decadence and being dogmatic in his pursuit will soar and thus maintain a reputable standard and position both in his school and the society at large.
*FRIENDS:- Your friends describe who and what caliber of individual/person you will be. Although, having friends is a good thing but not when they affect you negatively. The effects of peer pressure have been conspicuous and flamboyant in recent times. whenever you discover your friends don't add meaning or influences your life positively, but only tries to deteriorate, derail or deviate your focus, do away with such individuals before they bring an impending doom and destruction upon you.
*FOCUS:- For an individual to keep soaring in life , he/she must know where they are heading to from their starting point. That is, don't be negligent or superfluous of your predestined route. Never let friends, goodies of life or self desire to derail or demystify your focus. Be dogmatic, imbedded and decisive knowing that your decision today, determines your destination and destiny tomorrow. Please to enjoin everyone to take cognizance of the aforementioned yardstick in maintaining/soaring unto a greater height.
A school is an institution and society of its own. A school like ours which have been noted for its high standard in terms of discipline. grade of teachers and output can only maintain and keep soaring higher if and only if it takes cognizance of:
DISCIPLINE, the need for discipline in the school cannot be overemphasized. The rate of discipline in a school determines the brand of students being produced from such school. In a school like ours, it's obvious and conspicuous that the rates of discipline amongst students and even teachers have been regulated to the minimum. As we see most students and even teachers delight in coming to school late, some students being aggressive to their teachers to the extent of even rampant and a thing common among the students. Deteriorative behavior and rampage among students have become common place too. All things are nothing to write home about the school to the outsiders. Although some disciplinary measures have been taken to act as a deterrent. But today, we see students to work hand in hand with the school in order to ensure our continual co existence and thus, keep the high reputable standard of the school unharmed.
To our beloved SS3 students, few days from now, you will be leaving the school to face the outer world. Remember, never forget your almameter, never forget the sons and daughters of whom you are and never forget yourself. Remember, you have been prospective and have been extracted, you have been produced and now refined, now you are to be advertised, don't spoil your trademark, don't spoil your brand name. Never forget your starting point because the decision you take as you leave the college will either make you or mar your future. The ball is now on your court and it's left for you to decide how to play it. Thanks and God bless you all.
Master Udo Emmanuel.
Shade and her friends were no longer at ease and had to run to the rainmaker. He asked them how they got themselves into the mess and they explained every-thing to him starting from when they attended the birthday party organised by Alice. They met the slave boy there who introduced them to the only child. Only to find out later that he was been tagged a scoundrel in uniform. The rain maker told them to make a sacrifice and carry it to the dark forest on the twelfth night. They obliged and on getting there, they net oliver twist the man things fell apart because he told them that their sacrifice was not accepted and that the gods are not to be blame ' While searching for a next attempt they twangle to meet sweet mother in 'king solomon's mines' they slept off there and woke up later only to realise that they've been going through much ado about nothing it was only a mid summer night dream.
Africa, O Africa, the silent hero whose blood spilled on the label of history, smashed and beaten with the whips of misery which was done to leave us to zero. Quietly we trudged the hills of slavery until our freedom should come after this agong.
Africa,O Africa, the latent hero. Beaten on the anvil of racial prejudice and trod upon with hate and bones, when in fleet we were shipped from different zones. In the night of Mr white's fiercest blow that left us with an external scar . Until the morning of our liberation should reveal. That as a people we are not different from them.
Our memory the thrills of an unforgettable yesterday, which weighs on our minds with so much sway. Reminiseing all our fathers went through. In chains and fetters with battered feet to secure that which will be forever in views!
(BY Mr George Mfreke HOD Language Department Yandutse College, Kano.)
English Language, being a second language and an official language in Nigeria, requires the liberate and conscious efforts of both the parents and the teachers if the children were to effectively master the language.
Language experts agree that every human being is capable of acquiring one or more languages if he does not suffer a serious organic defect and if he is sufficiently exposed to the language(s). it is also agreed that the way of becoming articulated in the mother tongue is not the same as the second language .Therefore, the term language acquisition and language learning are applied to distinguish between the different ways in which the child gradually and unconsciously develop proficiently in his first language and how he consciously and vocabulary an grammar of his second and other languages in his later life.
Acquisition therefore, is used to refer to the process through which the first language was acquired. Every normal child acquires his mother tongue relatively easily and spontaneously. First language acquisition occurs without overt instruction. as the child actively constructs the possible ways of using the language. In other words, the child tries out constructions and test whether they work or not. In that way, he is actively involved in language production in an interactive environment . This enables him to acquire a high level of proficiency in his mother, tongue very quickly and rather effortlessly without any form of a formal instruction.
Unlike the first language (Hausa, the language in focus), English language learning usually occurs in a formal setting like the classroom, usually when the learner is already known language, whereas he gradually develop ability in his Hausa by using it naturally in communication, he was to consciously learn the grammar and the vocabulary of English language at a time that his age and Hausa habit is making it difficult for him to cope. These are among the reasons why English language learning is rather difficult in comparison with the acquisition of Hausa or any other language.
However, the question now should be what should we do? Since there is a general feeling that English language learning is rather unsuccessful in comparison with the Hausa language acquisition. The English language classroom must approximate to acquisition situation as closely as possible. Linguist have tried to find out why first language learners always apply proper communicative competence while not many second language learners are able to do so. Many efforts have led to the discovery to the number of difference which exist in the conditions under which first language and second language learning take place. The different conditions can be considered under the heading (to be continue):