Master Joshua Oyewole of primary 2B marked his 7th years birthday Thursday 14th August, 2011, ad mist friends, well wishers and parents. The day started with the usual singing of the 'happy birthday' song to wishes from friends. There were lots of drinks and food to eat Wishing Joshua Oyewole many happy returns, Long life and Prosperity.
Our own Mrs victoria Aguda of the Nursery School! heard her naming ceremony Wednesday 7th June, 2011. Present at this 'August' ceremony was the director himself Engr George Ahiome, the headmistress of the Nursery and primary school and members of staffs. The baby was christened Jemima.
Abdallah Ali Umar of primary 2B clocked 9years old Friday 1st July, 2011, admist well wishers, friends and family members. There were a lots of pleasantries in the class- music, foods and drinks. Wishing you long life and happy birthday. hip-hip-hip-h-u-r-r-a-y.
A lot of events have been earmark for the 2010/2011 academic session among which are:-
-The children end of the session party (primary section) 1st week August, 2011
-Primary 5 graduation party coming up July ending 2011
-SS3 graduation party coming up July ending
-Yandutse college graduation ceremony (July 27th, 2011)
-Yandutse prize award for pupils (1st week of August 2011)