Sunday, 19 June 2011


A seminar for members of staffs of yandutse schools Kano was held on Saturday 18th June 2011. The seminar started....
at about 10.30am. Paper were delivered by the principal, vice principal, headmistresses of yandutse college and yandutse nursery and primary schools, Kano, respectively. In his welcome address , the director of the school emphasis the need for members of staff to see them selves as a change agent with commitment. He advised that teachers should research- make enquiries to develop themselves further- He title his paper-WHY YANDUTSE TEACHERS MOST BECOME A CHANGE AGENTS.

The first speaker, principal of yandutse college, Kano Mr Nsika  Ntah delivered a paper titled 'Discipline' A major problem of educational management. He highlighted problems- cause and solutions to indiscipline in our schools. The second speaker Mrs Bunmi Amodu Ola headmistress of yandutse primary school,
Kano explained at length what parenting styles are,  the effect on children and its relationship with teachers. she concluded that teachers should see themselves as parents- who should love, care for the children they are teaching and should also help build self esteem in children.

     The third speaker was Mr George, H.O.D English department yandutse college, Kano delivered a paper - Classroom Management' A teacher and his work' He was lengthy on this as he analyze the teacher the do's and don't involved in classroom management.
      Mr Onoja the vice principal of yandutse college, Kano gave, a talk on the topic 'Understanding how Development  xteristics of children affects their interest in the teaching and learing process' He was lengthy and analytical he itemized his points one after the other and was able to drive home his point.

     There  was a little recession and refreshment was served before the last speaker, Mrs Christy Okoko headteacher of yandutse Nursery, explained the teaching techniques involved in the nursery section  of yandutse schools.
     There were responses, observation and interaction by members of staff, which was moderator by Mr Chinedu- Chemistry teacher yandutse college.
      The seminar was brought to a close with closing remark from the principal-Mr Nsika Ntah.

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